Turn up the heat: treat your eyes
The best meibomian gland dysfunction treatment is right above your eyes
When it comes to meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) treatment, it is important to realise it needs be performed regularly to keep your eyes clean and healthy.
Think of it as a routine. Like brushing your teeth.
Treatment for meibomian gland dysfunction — what are your options?
Here are three methods in treating MGD properly. Ideally you will follow all three options for optimum eye health.

- The unique nature of the design lets you achieve moisture beneficial to eye health.
- Your quality of blink is preserved so that meibomian oil can be released on closure and tears are re-surfaced when you blink.
- More efficiency on tear film stability and ocular health.
Scientifically proven by an independent group, Bephasteam improves tear quality, decrease tear evaporation and improve vision. You can find further research results here. Interested in trying out Bephasteam? Greenlane Penrose Optometrist carries Bephasteam and provides an option for in office treatment use. We are more than happy to introduce you to Bephasteam and a better way to improve your tear film and ocular comfort.
If you would like more information, or if you would like to book an appointment to trial Bephasteam, please email Jenny at jenny@gp-optom.co.nz
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