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15 FAQs for Better Eye Health
We all know better than to trust the internet to answer our health questions. Google is not a diagnostic tool, and for every piece of useful information there’s a dozen other suspicious sites selling miracle solutions or telling you that your headache is something...
From Worksite to Sportsfield: Everyday Eye Safety
Our two little windows to the world are one of the most vulnerable parts of our bodies, and one of the most sorely missed if they are damaged. Each year, eye injuries in New Zealand account for more than 9000 ACC claims, costing over $3 million in medical costs....
Top 5 Tips for Summer Eye Care
New Zealand summers are unbeatable – long days in the sun, more outdoor sports than you could shake a stick at, and beautiful beaches to enjoy with the family. It’s in our nature to get outdoors during this time of year, but too often we forget about our eyes and the...
Get familiar with Glaucoma
Learn about the leading cause of blindness Glaucoma is a silent warrior. It progresses painlessly, potentially leading to total blindness if left untreated. It’s estimated that around 91,000 New Zealanders suffer from Glaucoma, but...
How to treat eye allergies
Learn how to get relief from uncomfortable, allergy-ridden eyes Sneezing and sniffing are tedious symptoms you have to deal with when suffering from allergies. But did you know that symptoms in your eyes are an allergic reaction,...
What do you know about colour vision?
We share some insights on the reality of colour blindness in New Zealand In New Zealand, colour blindness affects about 1 in 12 men, and 1 in 160 women. This means that approximately 4.5% of our population suffers from a...