Put an End to Streaks: How to Clean Your Glasses

So, how to keep glasses clean? Perhaps you give the soiled lenses a rub with the corner of your t-shirt and hope for the best, or wipe your lenses with a microfibre cloth that’s never washed. These methods of cleaning your lenses may seem better than nothing, but they also probably leave you with streaks, which are so annoying. And, in fact, they’re actually not better than nothing: incorrectly cleaned lenses can lead to scratches that actually make the quality of your vision worse in the long run. You need to know that there is a better way! Glasses wearing doesn’t need to be synonymous with smudged vision.
Combine the glasses cleaner products with the right processes and you, too, can enjoy clean, smudge-free, hygienic glasses on the regular. Here’s how to clean your glasses properly.
Keep lens wipes handy
We stock a variety of lens-cleaning products at Greenlane Penrose Optometrist, including glasses cleaners for when they get fogged up, so ask for them next time you’re in.
Treat your glasses to a deep clean
Every six months or so, pop in to Greenlane Penrose Optometrist for an ultrasonic spectacles clean. The vibrations of this device effectively remove dirt particles from your glasses, and will make them look like new again.
Store your glasses properly

It’s also important to keep your glasses in a hard container, especially if you don’t wear them all the time and are often needing to put them on and off. Throwing your glasses in your bag without a case is one of the worst things you can do for them, and will mean you need to replace them much more often.
Come in and see us anytime for adjustments to your frames, to get any running repairs fixed (such as a loose screw), or to have your glasses put through our ultrasonic cleaning unit.
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