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Easy on the Eye: Tips for Dry Eyes
by Jenny If you are eyes remain dry, you can increase moisture in your eyes by boosting tear production and tear film quality. How do you do this? With a nutrition supplement., Instore we have a fantastic nutritional supplement in Lacritec. The supplement...
Glaucoma treatment — the silent thief of sight
by Jenny Glaucoma treatment -- more than tunnel visionAs the leading cause of preventable blindness in New Zealand, glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye’s optic nerve and can result in vision loss and blindness. However, with early detection...
Peeps – a revolutionary lens cleaner
by Jenny The safest and most tested lens cleaning technology in the world - Peeps Greenlane Penrose is excited to offer the newest advancement in lens care, an all-in-one lens cleaner for all glasses.PEEPS FEATURES:Developed to clean eyewear and...
Hayfever Eyes: It’s That Time of the Season
by Jenny WHAT CAUSES EYE ALLERGIES? Normally harmless substances that cause problems for individuals who are predisposed to allergic reactions are called allergens. The most common airborne allergens that cause eye allergies are pollen, mold, dust and pet...
A safe point of view: protecting your eyes
by Jenny Seeing eye to eye with safety When you think of protective eyewear, you probably think of a professional using heavy machinery at work. And you’re right - these workers should absolutely be wearing protective eyewear in these situations. It could mean...
Kool Kids back to school offer: 2 pairs of glasses from $249!
by Jenny Time to look good, kids! And you can with these eye-opening deals!Converse frames complete with durable polycarbonate lenses are priced at $249 a pair and this includes a second pair from the Owlet range FREE!Nike, X Games or Flexon frames with the...